Thursday, December 10, 2009

The 'Sex Talk' Often Comes Too Late; parent(s) are invariably surp that their kids are having sex; and the denial represents to the kids that their parent(s) shoud not be in the loop in their decision making

The 'Sex Talk' Often Comes Too Late - American Academy Of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents educate
their children about sexuality beginning early in life. According to
the study, "Timing of Parent and Child Communication About Sexuality
Relative to Children's Sexual Behaviors," published in the January
issue of Pediatrics, many of these discussions are occurring after
adolescents have already passed key sexual milestones.

In a series of surveys with 141 parents and their teen-aged children,
researchers found more than 40 percent of children had sexual
intercourse before any discussion with their parents about sexually
transmitted disease symptoms, condom use, choosing birth control, or
what to do if a partner refuses a condom.

Researchers suggest pediatricians encourage parents to have more
timely communication with their children about important sex-related
topics. Suggestions for specific topics that should be covered and
advice on how to discuss them would help guide parents who don't know
what to say. Pediatricians also can address these issues in one-on-one
conversations with adolescents in their office.

American Academy of Pediatrics

John C Kim MD
719 439 3730 NEW MOBILE PHONE

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